Actions speak louder than words dating

How someone treats you is indicative of the actual value they place on the relationship with you. You listen attentively and offer helpful advice. Later, you call this same friend and ask for advice. Instead of listening, your friend quickly ends the conversation or says they will call you later to speak about your problem but fails to do so. What if this happens again and again with this same friend?

Elizabeth Overstreet – Relationship Expert

By taking such actions, the friend is making it clear they do not have the same vested interest in the friendship you do. With your significant other, actions can speak loudly about how much your partner values you. He or she behaves toward you in ways that show how he or she truly feels about you. For example, what if he says he will make time for you in his life but he does not do this. He may be very convincing when he says the words you want to hear. His promises may sound genuine.

  1. Why actions speak louder than words in relationships.
  2. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: 12 Ways Men Show Their Love?
  3. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Especially In Relationships?
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His reasons for delay may seem real. But if he fails to act, this tells you something. Or what if she tells you she loves you, yet whenever you try to have a conversation around commitment, she becomes defensive and irritated, and she quickly changes the dialogue. She may even blame you for not making the relationship work.

Such actions provide a strong message about how she really feels about you. These are examples of actions that belie the words. They are common signs the other person does not value the relationship the way you do. Instead, the person is distracting you from the core issues and hoping you will not hold them accountable in moving the relationship forward. In other words, their actions toward you are speaking louder than their words.

Even if someone is saying all the right things, you may have a nagging intuition that something in the relationship does not add up. To keep the relationship intact, you might pocket your intuition and justify to yourself any lack of follow through. It is hard to discern untruth in relationships. Your gut feelings, your inner wisdom, are connected with your emotions—and your heart.

Intuition can tell you when something is off, not quite right, or missing in a relationship.

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Especially In Relationships A relationship that took years to define- filled with promises of “one day” and. Is your man pretty quiet when it comes to saying those all-important three little words? Are you trying to figure out the other ways that he tells you he loves you without actually saying it? We all know that when it comes to expressing their feelings, men can struggle.

But even if your intuition is telling you something is wrong, you may rely on your mind to justify moving forward. He wants others to experience the happiness that you bring to his life and maybe show you off a little bit — in a good way because he is proud to be with you. It could be keeping his arm around you, hugging you randomly, or cuddling up on the couch — a man who truly cares and enjoys your company will always want to be in close proximity to you. One of the major things that men often get accused of is being terrible listeners.

A man who really cares for you will listen intently and do his best to absorb all of the details that he can. It is his way of showing you that he values you and what you have to say. If he texts or calls you just to say hello, to see how your day is going, or to say good morning and goodnight, it is a clear sign that he thinks about you often and wants you to know it.

Oh, you have to go grocery shopping today or go out and get things for your party this weekend? A meaningful relationship is just as much about sharing in everyday things together, as it is about the exciting things.

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While some of us recognize this as an effective form of communication as well as a method to make someone more comfortable around us, many people will just become so in-tune with the person they are with that they subconsciously start duplicating gestures, positions, or postures. If you find him touching your arm after you touch his, uncrossing his legs after you uncross yours, or leaning in to you during conversation after you lean in to him — it shows he is paying close attention to you, whether he realizes it or not. Whether it is a gift you have wanted or an experience you have desired to partake in — a man who really cares about you will not just pick up a stuffed animal and some flowers at the store.

When we begin to develop love for someone, we want to see them happy, even if that means putting our own self-interests aside for the sake of theirs. Her happiness becomes our happiness. It goes both ways. He will put in the effort to help you out in order to make your life easier, just because. A man who is not serious about you will not be around often enough, nor willing enough, to do these things.

If a man asks you for your advice on a decision he is trying to make or a situation that he is in, it means he values your opinion enough to take you seriously and actually use it as a guiding light in his own life. Men are naturally protective. Millions of years of biological evolution has brought us to the point where we naturally want to protect those we love, whether they need it or not. It could mean protecting you from getting hurt emotionally or physically, but protecting nonetheless. A man who loves and cares for you will make you feel safe. He will never make you question whether or not he will be there for you in a time of need.


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This would have saved me a lot of heartache hahaha. I believe as much as men talk to each other about deciphering women, women do the same. My boyfriend showed all of these actions during the two years we spent together. Then on holiday when I used his mobile because I had lost mine, I found dating apps and memberships to casual sex dating sites!

The contradiction has completely confused me. Reblogged this on AFruitFli's Blog. Even if you yourself are one! That is impossible, no one is perfect. I really like the post.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: 12 Ways Men Show Their Love | HuffPost

I compared it to that of my guys attitude and i realised it very true. Thank u for the post. You left a sarcastic meaningless comment. If you have something constructive and detailed to say I would be happy to learn from it. As far as the list goes, these are all things that I personally do, so reading this would not seem like a fantasy nor would it make me feel bad about anything.

Keep up the good work…. Lewis, it seems like I am reading a different article than you. In this article James is saying to women not to be overly upset if they dont hear the words of affection as often as they want because men often show love in other ways as well.

He lists 12 actions a man may do that would be showing love. Nowhere did he say that a man must do all12 to have a good relationship. He is letting women know that men may SHOW love in ways other than words. It is hard for me to see how that is offensive. I dont see the fairytale here. It is helpful for women to realize that men may express their love in ways that arent verbal.

I would guess that the vast majority of your audience is women. Eh you sound super bitter. Having been through relationships with men that do and dont do these things, I would have to say James is right. Maybe it is just a matter of connecting with the right person to bring out these qualities. Sounds like maybe you need to re-evaluate your situation since you took so much defense to it. While this is important to understand when it comes to being on the receiving end of communication […].

Do these same actions garner the same message when coming from a man that is not your significant other, say a good friend or colleague? Could these actions indicate moreso a familial closeness rather than romance? Reblogged this on Forever A Fantasist and commented: This is something that will really make you smile ,while reading.. I can say go away looser! I soooo like your article because its all true. No one is perfect and most men who show their love to their partners like this are often the ones who are able to overcome their weaknesses and are less vulnerable.

In other words, they are more trustworthy. Words are nice, but they are always drowned out by actions. Early on in a relationship, watch what someone does more than what they say. In reading the comments on this article, I feel like many missed the point or rather I am receiving a different message.