When I arrived just after 7pm, there were about 20 people gathered in the bar, discussing all manner of tech related topics I knew nothing about.
My comfort zone had left the building. The locks had been changed and the eviction notice was nailed firmly to the front door. As my heart sank further into the year old oak floor, one of the other attendees warmly introduced themselves.
With that, so did another and a third asked if I would like a drink. We moved upstairs to a private dining room for the main event where I got chatting to a number of people from various sectors, not just tech.
We discussed work, families and life, as well as the issues people were facing in business. It felt more human and more open, more confident even. This was a group of some of the brightest minds in Norwich.
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Intelligent and engaging human beings who are passionate about what they do, enjoying dinner together in lovely surroundings. We hope you will join us in what promises to be an informative and informal evening, designed to help technology help your business.
Keep up to date by email Sign-up to receive regular updates on all of our content and site activities. Programme Manager at Foolproof Job Vacancy: Senior Designer at Foolproof Job Vacancy: It introduces open-source solutions like Elasticsearch, Fluentd or OpenTracing, and commercial services like Application Insights. On a code level, it shows how PostSharp can help to generate highly detailed logs with minimal efforts. Gael Fraiteur has been passionately programming since childhood; building and selling his first commercial software at age Gael is a widely recognized expert in aspect-oriented programming and pattern-aware compilers.
He speaks at developer conferences in Europe and the United States. As a large FE College and apprenticeship provider we believe that employers are central to this process and our aim this evening is to start meaningful dialogue into how we can enable employers to both support and challenge us as we launch the new T Level curriculum and apprenticeship standards. We want to hear from you about the challenges you have in recruiting employees and how we can work together to fill the gap and make a difference to the next generation.
The goal of the session is to begin to investigate where local businesses could help us trial the industrial placement model and how we can develop our working relationship over a number of years and ask you as employers what should our curriculum look like?
Many of us need more exercise! Wednesday 7th November 6: Assuming there is TV signal in the venue, there will be demonstrations. Oh, and there will be code. Russel Winder Ex-theoretical physicist. Still helps organise the ACCU conference https: