Gay dating lingo

LGBT slang

Maybe they're a woman who's attracted to women, men, and nonbinary people. Or maybe they feel like their sexuality is too fluid for a simpler label. Some people have adopted pansexual because it doesn't reinforce the gender binary through its name. Pan-, meaning all; someone who is attracted to all persons and genders.

I feel so phubbed. As you can probably deduce, pie hunting is an unsavory dating phenomenon in which a person the "hunter" deliberately dates "pies", or heartbroken, vulnerable people with messy dating histories, who are perceived to be easier and lower-maintenance. A "pie" is a person with a disastrous dating history familiar with rejection and heartbreak. It comes from "pied off", British slang for being stood up or dumped. In its various forms, polyamory has been a part of human culture for millennia, particularly in the form of polygamous marriages, but it's enjoying a resurgence in modern dating culture as millennials children of divorce faced with untold levels of choice break with monogamous tradition and begin exploring their options.

It's not a free-for-all — there are still rules, and cheating does exist — but consensually dating and loving multiple people at once could represent the future of dating. Polyamorous comes from the Greek poly many and amor love , meaning many loves.

The Internet Dating Slang Terms You Need To Know

The word has been reclaimed by those communities as a positive term. It's a term of solidarity to foster community between sexuality-and-gender-diverse persons. Queer is one of the more amorphous terms on this list, and is used by queer persons to describe themselves. So what does it mean? Basically, 'not straight', in any flavor you like, and usually with a slightly more radical edge. Originally meaning 'strange', 'queer' was used for years as a slur against non-normative sexualities. If you decide, once and for all, that women are bad and society is set up in such a way to privilege them over men at every turn, you're completely off your rocker — but you've also had a redpill moment.

You'll probably want to head to Reddit and swap stories with other incels and MGTOWs about how women are ruining your lives. Redpilling is named for the scene in The Matrix when Morpheus offers Neo the choice between taking a red pill and a blue pill — with the red one representing the horrifying truth and the blue, blissful ignorance. Roaching is a new dating trend where people hide the fact that they're dating around from a new partner and, when confronted, claim to have simply been under the assumption that there was no implication of monogamy to begin with.

In today's more poly-friendly dating culture, this is a slick tactic to shift the blame to the person confronting them, but the truth is it's both parties' responsibility to be at least baseline open about seeing other people if that's the case. Roaching, as a result, deeply messed up.

Digital Dating Abbreviations, Acronyms & Slang Terms used Online and in Texting

Roaching refers to the adage that if you see one cockroach, there are a ton more that you don't see — just like this person's sneaky side-dealings. Perhaps most infamous for the time Tinder CEO Sean Rad confused it with the word "sodomy," sapiosexual is a word that's gained increasing currency in recent years. Meaning someone who's turned on by a person's mind rather than physical appearance, it's a neat marriage of style and substance, as only huge nerds would dare self-identify as sapiosexuals.

Not to be confused with any of the other sexualities, this isn't a clinical definition of an innate quality, merely a descriptor meant to state a preference.

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The "sapio" part comes from the Latin word "sapiens," which means "mind. Yes, you could call me a sapiosexual.

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If the one-night stand was a product of the 20th century's loosening sexual mores, the several-night stand is a distinctly 21st-century invention. Your drunken hookup is just a text away; but exclusivity seems foolish when your next drunken hookup might also be just a text away. Have you ever had sex with someone before going on a real date with them? Then you've engaged in a sex interview, my friend! Sex researchers yes, that's a real job coined the term in to describe the practice, which is increasingly popular among millennials who are less shy about sex and more interested in weeding out incompatible lovers than so-so conversationalists.

If you have high standards for sex, it makes a lot of sense — the possibility of developing real intimacy and chemistry with someone only to discover you're nothing alike in bed is a real turn-off of its own. He's still messaging me, but to be honest, he failed his sex interview. In use on Black Twitter since at least , a "situationship" is Facebook's "It's Complicated" relationship status come to life. Similar to a casual relationship, a situationship is a sexual relationship that stops short of constituting a serious relationship, but it's not nothing either.

Digital Dating Terms: Race, Ethnic Origin, Physical Description & Characteristics

Someone who has romantic relationships with more than one person at a time. And what the heck is a wolf? In its original inception, "Netflix and chill" was a euphemism for a stay-at-home date that led to sex pretty quickly. Someone who is able to host is able to have people over for sex. It's polite to use 'they' as a default pronoun until instructed otherwise if you're unsure about someone's gender. Actually, it isn't, it's just more common:

It's not a friendship, or a relationship, but something in between: The slow fade is the process of ending a lackluster relationship or fling by gradually reducing contact and response times. Like a smoother version of breadcrumbing, the person doing the fading will taper off contact, like gradually turning down the volume on a song and starting a new one without anyone noticing. Similar to breadcrumbing, the slow fade is letting someone down gently… without actually saying so.

51 Gay Slang Phrases You’ve Never Heard Before | Thought Catalog

I think I'm gonna do the slow fade. A snack is a babe, a honey, a stunner, a smokeshow, a jaw-dropping vision. A snack inspires DM slides and thirsty texts. A snack is a powerful force in the universe whose mere presence can cause those in proximity to them to lose their minds entirely. In short, a snack is someone so attractive, you almost want to eat them right up.

Gay Animal Slang - Fish, Birds & Star Wars - Tom Goss and Arshad Aslam

Of course, some snacks are SO attractive, you have to call them a full meal. The "stashed" partner is kept hidden from view and stashing is a classic move of the commitment-averse. Stashing a partner is hiding them away from public view, like a squirrel stashing nuts in a tree.

With all the cute names, it's easy to forget sometimes that not all dating trends are created equal. Take stealthing, for example, which is just a form of sexual assault. Named for when guys surreptitiously remove a condom mid-sexual act, enabling them to finish the deed unprotected, stealthing is a horrifying reminder that consent and sexual health education are woefully lacking in modern society.

Straight persons are attracted to, date, or have sex with only members of the 'opposite' gender.

Sup? Looking? Party? A Guide to Gay App Lingo

Some people might have crushes on the same gender as themselves, but never follow through, and still identify as straight. Sexuality is wild, man! Did you just get haunted, or zombied, but it felt even worse than usual? Maybe you were submarined! Submarining is when your old flame pops back up in your life after a lengthy period of silence, but rather than copping to the disappearance, simply acts as if dipping without warning is normal behavior.

This person knows they have you wrapped around their finger, so why put in the effort to apologize or explain? They don't need to!

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If you're getting submarined, pro tip: Get out of there before the whole thing sinks. That's normal behavior for them. The counterpart to cuffing season, summer flings are casual relationships that end once the leaves start to turn brown again. Summer flings often start on vacations and end when the other person has to go home, and tend to be of the "short and sweet" variety. This one's not rocket science: The de facto term for consensually sleeping with someone outside of your marriage while your partner does the same, swinging has lost some cultural currency in recent years as millennials opt for the "poly" lifestyle instead.

Still, swinging is alive and well for Gen Xers taking advantage of increasingly liberal sexual mores as society shifts slowly away from the restrictive confines of absolute monogamy and towards something a little bit more flexible. Swingers are people who 'swing' from one sexual partnership their spouse to another. For some singles, it might be difficult to conceive of any other way, but it's worth remembering that swiping didn't even really exist before Unless you've been living under a rock and if so: From Tinder it spread to Bumble and a few thousand copycat apps.

It'll be replaced eventually, but until then, swiping is how we as a culture perform love — or at least our aspirations thereto. I'm just going to stay home, re-download Tinder and swipe myself silly.

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For whatever reason, the chemistry between two people is just better over texts. It could mean one of the two is playing the other just for the attention, rather than both parties being shy or awkward. Honestly, we might just be in a textlationship. In the natural world, spiders have webs, and millennials have thirst traps. They're intentionally sexually provocative pictures posted on social media in order to ensnare hapless scrollers-by. Often, such pictures will draw way more likes than their typical posts, as thirsty people rush to offer their likes as sacrifices to an uncaring god.

These can be a great ego boost for the thirst trapper, but the high tends not to last. Then you're back on the timeline, thirst trapping again for your next fix.

Thirst is desire, sexual or romantic, that tends to be unreturned; a trap is how you catch unsuspecting victims. That outfit was wild! Tindstagramming is the process of contacting someone through Instagram's direct messaging feature after you have seen them on Tinder but not become a match. It's an annoying and generally poorly-received way of bypassing a left-swipe, and women in particular get fatigued by the messages that pile up in their "Other" folder when they link their Instagram account to their Tinder profile.