Dating a flight attendant askmen

Your words of distain for a fa with seniority must have come from your GF and if so shame on her and you. You pretty much covered all of it. My wife is an FA out of Boston. Sorry my beloved F. Uh, did I tell you we just got through one of the Tax seasons? Well for a C. Set to run Tmrw on Gadling.

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  • 6 Things You May Not Know About Dating a Flight Attendant | Once A Traveler?

You have to be realistic, as you mentioned, some of the duties they carry out have to be handled by younger people. I remeber last time I was on a plane flying through US, I was coming back from the lavatory to my seat and the senior FA pretty much pushed his way through the corridor using her hands to deviate my body. To the comment above—-try doing the job for 1 day—no, wait! Why is it that younger employees believe that senior employees should go ahead and retire..


And what jobs can be handle better by younger people.. I could go on and on…but finally, when we do end our day or trip…we usually want to be left alone and have some solitude to unwind and regain our energy…. Not all of the older flight attendants are senior, flying for many years, and burned- out like you suggest. Most of the airlines in the US prefer to hire older flight attendants for the following reasons; — they are more reliable, show actually up for work.

Please report the facts or zip it. And, what is young in your dictionary? Should be home with their grandchildren? You need to do your research because you are not reporting anything that is fact-based. Rude, inconsiderate passengers cause many to get an attitude. I guarantee Louis dated a commuter and the first guy who commented dated a non-commuter w great seniority.

It is a difficult gig…. Thx for your insight!

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I have the greatest respect for the job however I find many of them are just rude and lazy. I dated a flight attendant for years and her biggest complaint was how her coworkers were lazy and rude to the passengers.

Q&A! salary? dating? cabin crew life? 🌍💰💕

Upon your partners arrival home make sure you do the following — 1. Pick them up from the airport. Listen intently until the horrors,laughs, frustration of the trip have been shared. Handle their heavy luggage at all times for them. Have the home neat and tidy. Make sure the white is chilled or the red is open. The job has its many rewards but it is very true the common ignorant air traveller has been far from appreciative. On a more heavy note, the exclusion of the airline crews from commemoratives was a shocking disgrace and the niceness from passengers immediately after that infamous day was but temporary.

But aviation it is an addiction.

Once you have a taste of it there is no other job that can top that. It is not lemons all the time. As life it is not what it is… It is what you make of it. You choose how your day it is going to be…. Foxy yes I see your points…. Im married to a Flight Attendant!!! Best ,down to earth gal I know. Goes through hell commuting to a base half way across the country to start her grueling day.

On dating a flight attendant

Usually leaves the day before her trip to get to the crash pad with numerous other people living in the same place. Oh, so much fun. To their spouses, listen when they talk, respect there quiet time. I am currently waiting to be called for a flight attendant position.

My Choice and I do not have to work again so it is my choice.

the friendly skies

I prefer a tough job it builds character. I have been delaibng with the public for 20 years plus and never not one complaint. I would imagine there is rudness on both sides of the aisle get it lol. It is part of most jobs in america. Stay or better yet quit for those who complain and hate this profession, I am waiting for your spot. As a 12 year Flight Attendant, I enjoyed reading this. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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Feb 1, Picking up flight attendants - How to pick up flight attendants. Jan 28, I thought I'd add a different perspective what it's like to be the guy who is dating a flight attendant. ALL red-blooded American men dreamed.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Lewis Dear Lewis, What can I say? And thank you for that. Wow, yes he did say it all. Thanks for posting this, Heather! I loved your reply!!! I am also a flight attendant and ITS my dream job!!! I feel out of my element — that much steel shouldn't stay airborne!

But I've figured out how to improve things: I turn flying into a situation that makes me comfortable — by picking up women. And unless I'm sitting beside an attractive lady, my focus is going to be on those cute flight attendants.

On dating a flight attendant – Heather Poole

One thing to remember about female servers barkeeps, waitresses, strippers, flight attendants, etc. As a player, you need to stand out and, basically, not screw it up like the majority. When the attendants were helping people settle in, I smiled at her as she passed.

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MOST of the flight attendants also have the same celebrity they chose for horror stories. I have been delaibng with the public for 20 years plus and never not one complaint. I still am in little boy awe of these goddesses of the sky. I used to get a stack on most trips when I was flying…and they were always interested in my side business and wanted to talk about it. Not all of the older flight attendants are senior, flying for many years, and burned- out like you suggest.