Nsa dating slang

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Many terms that originated as gay slang have become part of the popular lexicon. For example, the word drag was popularized by Hubert Selby, Jr. Conversely, words such as banjee , while well-established in a subset of gay society, have never made the transition to popular use.

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Terms used in one generation may pass out of usage in another. For example, in the s and s the terms "cottage" UK and "tearoom" US were used to denote public toilets used for sex. By , this terminology had fallen out of use to the point of being greatly unrecognisable by members of the LGBT community at large. During the first seven decades of the 20th century, a specific form of Polari was developed by gay men and lesbians in urban centres with established LGBT communities.

Although there are differences, modern gay slang has adopted many Polari words, as detailed in the table below:. The legislative report Homosexuality and Citizenship in Florida contains an extensive appendix documenting and defining the homosexual slang of the time.

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Scruff launched a Gay Slang Dictionary app in January Some of these cross over with the British slang, and some are only American. Max published a short book including gays language in the late 80s. It also includes commonly used slang terms in the United States from the gay community. Although many slang words used in modern Japan are " loanwords " from American English, many native Japanese slang words remain in Japan's LGBT community such as the term "okoge", which serves the same purpose of the English slang word, " fag hag " — a "woman whose friends are mostly homosexual men".

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Homosexuality Bisexuality pansexuality polysexuality Demographics Biology Environment. Academic fields and discourse. Queer studies Lesbian feminism Queer theory Transfeminism Lavender linguistics. The examples and perspective in this section deal primarily with the United Kingdom and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject.

You may improve this article , discuss the issue on the talk page , or create a new article , as appropriate.

October Learn how and when to remove this template message. Retrieved 17 January Duke University Press, The Language of Kinks and Queens: Retrieved 4 April The Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang.

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Retrieved 24 March Archived from the original on October 6, A Dic k tionary of Gay Slang. Retrieved 24 February Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT slang. Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT topics.

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