The process for placing EEG sensors on the subject will follow the system for electrode placement. This standard was developed to provide consistent application of EEG electrodes for the collection of brain waves. This system is based on measurements from 4 standard points landmarks: If the total value measurement contains a fraction, continue to use the percentage values as the whole number. Standing at the side of the subject, place the zero line 0 of the tape measure on the marked inion. Holding the tape measure in place with your non-dominant hand, stretch the tape measure upwards, over the crown of the head, until it reaches the marked nasion.
Determine the total distance between the inion to nasion, in centimeters. Remember this number it may help to write it down. When marking these sites, make a large enough line so it can be easily found.
Place the zero line of the tape measure on the left pre-auricular mark. Stretch the tape measure over the top of the head, and along the mark that has just been made, until it reaches the right pre-auricular mark. Determine the total distance from pre-auricular to pre- auricular in centimeters.
This mark should intersect the previously made line. The point at which the lines intersect is the site for the Cz electrode placement. The point at which the lines intersect should be the middle of the forehead and in straight line with the mark for Cz. This location is known as FPz. Place the REF electrode here. Double check your marks by measuring the distance between FP1 and FP2.
This intersection mark is Oz. Double check your marks by measuring the distance between O1 and O2.
Stand back from the participant and visually check that these marks are in the middle of the back of the head and not shifted to the left or right indicating that the Oz measurement was incorrect. Place the zero line of the tape measure on Cz. Part the hair and hold it in place with a comb if necessary in order to properly visualize your mark.
Stretch the tape forward to the mark for FP2, making sure that the edge of the tape runs along the horizontal line you have just made on the side of the head. This is the site for the C4 placement. Place the zero line of the tape measure on the pre-auricular point.
This location is T4. Stand back to visualize the marked locations, T4 should be roughly above the tragus of the ear and C4 in line with T4 and Cz.
Take an alcohol pad to remove the cleanser and dry the area off with a gauze pad. Receive emails when a new comment is posted Remember me on this computer. Here's a quick and basic review of the international system of electrode placement and other various sensors used in sleep testing. Next, mark 10 percent from the preauricular point on both sides of the patient's head. These points are T3 and T4 left side are odd numbers, right side are even numbers. Harner PK , Sannit T. Ask the patient to hold the tape at the Fpz point and go completely around the patient's head.
These placement sites are on the mastoid process bone behind the earlobe. The electrode should be placed on the skin between the crease of the earlobe and where the hairline begins. Lightly mark these sites. M1 is placed on the left mastoid, M2 on the right. The EOG recording electrodes are placed about 1 cm. Lightly mark these sites, and then stand in front of the participant to make certain that they correct.
These EOG placements are in line, not staggered. The two EMG electrodes are placed on each side of the geniohyoid muscle, which is a large muscle located underneath the chin. Having the subject activate this muscle may be helpful for determining the placement of the EMG electrodes. Ask the subject to swallow. You will feel the geniohyoid muscle move.
The electrodes are placed on each side of this muscle but at least 3 cm. A redundant electrode is placed on the ledge of the chin below the lower lip as a back-up. Electrode sites must be properly prepared prior to electrode placement to insure tight bonding and low impedance values.
Demonstrate the International EEG system. • Understand steps required to set-up a EEG montage for a. Polysomnography sleep study. • Give each. The 10–20 system or International 10–20 system is an internationally recognized method to . front-to-back (Fp1-F3-C3-P3-O1 and Fp2-F4-C4-P4-O2 montages), they can be 25% "up" from the front and back points (Fp1, Fp2, O1, and O2).
It's very common for people as a first instinct to pull the tape tighter to get a more accurate measurement. When you do this, the tape will slip toward the front of the patient's head. This happens to everyone in the beginning. Again, mark the midpoint, which now should look like an "X" on the top of the patient's head.
This is the location of Cz. Next, mark 10 percent from the preauricular point on both sides of the patient's head. These points are T3 and T4 left side are odd numbers, right side are even numbers. Then, go down on the left and right side 20 percent from Cz to mark C3 and C4, respectively.
Now, measure the circumference of the patient's head at the 10 percent points you made before. Ask the patient to hold the tape at the Fpz point and go completely around the patient's head. Mark the midpoint in the back, or Oz. Next, take 10 percent of the midpoint value or 5 percent of the entire circumference and mark to the left and right of Oz that distance, for O1 and O2, respectively. Then, do the same on the patient's forehead to get Fp1 and Fp2. Mark the midpoints for each for the locations of C3 and C4. The ground that needs to be applied can be any of the locations that aren't used to monitor EEG leads.
Most labs will use Cz or Fpz as the ground, but this depends on their preference. Electrode application, while relatively easy, is as important if not more so than electrode site measurement. If the application is done poorly, there will be artifact throughout the night and possible electrode replacement.
Under ideal conditions, once the electrode application is complete, the patient is placed in bed, and lights out has occurred, you shouldn't need to go into the patient's room to replace any electrodes. To begin with, gather the proper equipment and supplies. The quality of the electrodes is important.
They make tin-, silver- and gold-plated EEG electrodes. You need to consider the quality versus the cost of the electrode. At my center, we only use gold-plated electrodes. Skin prep gel, alcohol pads, conductive gel, conductive cream, 2-by-2 inch gauze pads, and 6-inch cotton swabs are also required. With a small amount of skin prep gel on the tip of the cotton applicator, gently abrade the area where you wish to apply the electrode. Use a twisting technique as if you're putting out a cigarette ironic as a respiratory therapist uses this image.
The area to be cleaned should be no larger than the size of the electrode. If the area cleaned is too large, artifact such as cross bridging can occur. When abrading the patient's skin, be firm, yet gentle. A diabetic patient's skin can be injured and bleed more readily than a nondiabetic patient.
Take an alcohol pad to remove the cleanser and dry the area off with a gauze pad. You will want to fill the EEG electrode with enough conductive gel to be slightly above the surface of the cup. Place the electrode on the area you cleaned, and while pressing firmly, gently twist the electrode by the tail to ensure good patient contact. The tail of the electrode should be facing toward the back of the patient. Put a small amount of conductive cream, about. Smooth out the gauze to ensure that the electrode will remain in place during the night.
Repeat this process for all the EEG leads. For most of the other electrodes, try using standard pediatric electrocardiogram pads and snap-on leads. This method is preferred for speed, ease of use, and it's relatively inexpensive. It's also best to apply the EEG leads first and work your way down the patient, literally head to toe.
This is to allow time for the paste, such as the cream used to apply the EEG leads, to dry somewhat. Before beginning with any part of the hook-up, ask the patients to take four snap leads inches in length and pass two on each side of their body under their shirt and shorts to their ankles. These leads monitor the right and left anterior tibias. Apply the A1 and A2 reference electrodes on the bony area behind the ears. There usually isn't any hair in that area, so it's easy to apply the pediatric EKG pads.
To locate the right outer canthis electrode site, measure from the corner of the eye 1 inch out and 1 inch up. The left outer canthis is 1 inch out, 1 inch down.
For the chin electromyogram, the two electrodes are placed on the ball of the chin. They should be relatively close - if they're too far away you will get EKG artifact and poor chin quality.