As a scientist, just imagine all the data when you get to see a matrix of creative, unorthodox compositions and how they perform against all other compositions Speaking specifically as Team Builder's UX designer, we worked really hard to make the entire workflow as empowering, intuitive, and hopefully fun as possible. Can't wait for everybody to take Team Builder for a drive: For example, as a team leader, I was able to setup the following today: Fighter - Top Support - Top Marksman - Mid Mage - Bot Mage - Bot Once I've determined my team composition, I lock in, and the system begins finding players for me that are interested in playing one of those specs on my team.
Once a Support gets accepted into the lobby, teams should chat! They should figure out what they want to do, and whether they want to do 0 CS Support, or whether it's a kill lane. If players disagree on something, they can very easily ask the system to find them a new player or a new team.
It's also very trivial for us to add a "Roam" role, if such a role were to emerge as a popular option. Basically you can talk strategy from beginning to end. As for anti-abuse systems, Lyte mentioned: I'm not sure if you play mainly Ranked Modes, but one of the things we saw in Ranked was that a lot of cognitive biases are at play.
For example, there's been research on companies that show that the average employee believes they are above average--statistically impossible, but a very robust cognitive bias that exists in all humans. In Ranked Mode, this cognitive bias exists too--as a player, we have no data on anyone else but ourselves, so we tend to believe we're the best player in the lobby.
Statistically, we can't always be the best player in every lobby because everyone is typically close in skill-level, but we feel strongly that we're always the best. Because of these cognitive biases, players in these modes tend to want to play the perceived "carry" roles, which is why there are less people opting to play Support. Because Team Builder is currently an independent, non-Ranked queue, we're more confident that more players will opt-in to playing Support.
Cognitive biases like these are one of the reasons why competitive modes are tricky--we have to design a solution that not only makes sense from a game design sense, but also from a psychological sense. On picking your champion to fit a team comp while using the new system, Lyte said:. When asked what you can change after queuing for Team builder and how it will interact with game modes using bans, Lyte noted:.
When asked about the possibility of new features fo Team Builder, Lyte reminded:.
Newer Post Older Post. Follow moobeat on Twitter. Help us keep the lights on by becoming a patron! If a feature works extremely well in Team Builder, we may look into applying some or all of the features to other queues and game modes in the future.
Because Team Builder is a brand new way to handle champion select, we started with basic elements such as choosing the champion, position and role you intend to play in a given match. A majority of players will have reasonable wait times regardless of their champion, position or role; but it is likely roles in high demand will have shorter queue times. When we first go live, estimated wait times will be very inaccurate and fluctuate. As the system collects data and we see how players are using champions, roles and positions, the estimated wait times will become more accurate.
For players looking to battle as a particular champion in a particular role or position, queuing as a solo player gets you onto a team into a match with your preferred spec in no time.
Can captains set up teams however they want, or will Team Builder enforce a specific meta? You and your friends can play Team Builder however you like.