Am i dating a drug dealer

Her Story: Inside the Life of A Drug Dealer’s Girlfriend

The money will be nice for a little while. But the after effects will have me in a coffin or prison or straight jacket. He won't leave his crack nor his ho's! Come with me instead. Late to the party but I'm not entirely sure. There are benefits that come along with it but way too many risks. There's still cheating and having to watch your back, along with the risk of being arrested.

Could you date a drug-dealer?

I know a family friend that is dating one, has two kids with him. He bought her a mercedes not newer but not too old , he paid for her plastic surgery, he moved her into the suburbs far out, he has security cameras set up in their townhouse. The gifts and the money for college would draw me in but not for long. I wouldn't be able to trust that I wouldn't be cheated on or being watched or in danger.

Absolutely not, idgaf if he has a bomb personality, I'm sure's there's plenty of others with good personalities that aren't drug dealers. Smoking is enough of a turn off for me so thinking about dating a drug dealer is just lol worthy. Could you date a drug-dealer? Obviously directed at girls, but could you or would you date a drug dealer? Not a dude or a drug dealer lol but just looking for opinions on the matter: When should someone give up on chasing you?

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So What If Im Dating A Drug Dealer

I just shook my head in shame and for the first time felt superior to him and left the party. I had caught him red handed.

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How much more clear does this picture need to be? Did I call the police no.

Just seen the light of day

So I guess I am in obstruction. But I care for him and I hope he soon gets his life together. Your second post makes things a hell of a lot more clear. I'm sorry you're having trouble getting over this guy but had you remained with him you would have been subject to arrest at any time you were in his presence. I'm very sorry it took you so long to find this out. Drug dealers are slimey worms. As long as he's making the big bucks and staying out of jail, what motivation does he have for getting his life together. Obviously, money and drugs took precedence over you. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself knowing that this guy is out selling drugs to people and you're not doing anything about it.

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There's a picture of me from that night -- with a giant panda head on. I should have known then what I was in for, but that's half the fun – or. (Smiles) He was everything you could ever want in a boyfriend. I guess just being mixed up in that crowd, not even just dating a drug dealer, but just being.

Seems you could figure out some way to have him and his cohorts busted without anyone finding out it was you. Drugs kill and the people who sell them belong in jail. I think that drug dealers are bad, most of them are, but just think for one second about this You are 13, live in a ghetto Your mother doesn't care to pay the bills you try to get her help, she doesn't go, try again I do have a problem with people who do do it and they have no reason, they can get a job, they can make something of themselves, but they are just to lazy to put in the time and effort But please don't write off these people that you don't know their lives, I bet most of you have never had to worry about such things, I know that I haven' and I am very blessed for that, but put youselves in other peoples shoes I know that dealing causes violence In the scenario you described there IS help for those people.

There are hospitals and clinics for people who do not have insurance, with doctors able to diagnose conditions such as bipolar and treat them appropriately.

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What is your biggest frustrations with Online Dating? I knew 2 in college. The retail management job he claimed to have became more vaguely defined every time I asked about it. And he changed he started mentally abusing me and he stayed angry all the time and I got out.. I realize our system isn't perfect, but it's better and safer than selling drugs.

There is also a welfare system for kids who don't have parents to support them. I realize our system isn't perfect, but it's better and safer than selling drugs. Sorry you don't like my name Bill. I ran into him at my friends house last night I stop by every monday to see my godchildren. And He was there. I really was upset to see she let him in. I mean she has little kids. But she doesn't feel threatened because he is a nice guy and would never put her children in danger.

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He begged me to just hear him out. I really didn't want to.

How I figured out I was dating a drug dealer

But I feel so much for him. But part of me is so upset because it doesn't know if what I feel for him is honest or built from his lies. It's hard to not jump to conclusions and tell him that everything he ever told me I doubt. But I gave him 5 minutes to say what he needed to say. And he did describe such a situation that caused him to sell that was very heart wrenching.

And he promised he never just sold to anyone.

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  3. True Life: I'm Dating A Drug Dealer;
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He started to tell me how he would ride his bike everyday far from his home and he would only sell to adults, never kids, and always to people with money, never a bum. He explained that the area of town he is from is full of scum who sell it to their own neighbors children and to people who are commiting crimes themselves to get the money. He said he feels that his own neighborhood is keeping eachother down. And he didn't want to hurt his community but rather help it.

He told me how he has put a park in his old neighborhood with his money.

Could you date a drug-dealer? - GirlsAskGuys

But he first had the children do fundraisers which his clients who are wealthy business men donated money so it wouldn't look suspisious. I don't really understand all the stuff he told me about renovating empty houses into neighborhood stores and such to help cut back on the crack houses. Just sounded like a bunch of money laundering and stuff.

Anyways I told him I still felt ill that he sold drugs. Even if his clients are rich men and women who are going to get it from some where if not from him. I told him that he has enough money to stop. He can get a real job now. That he doesn't have to sell to stay alive anymore. He is selling now out of greed. How can a man have made enough money from selling drugs to do so much for his community and put him and his sister through college and be so intelligent but still feel as if it is all he can do?

He would make an awsome business man! Anyone who can accomplish as much as he has from the measly wage he got for a paper route when he was young is obviously using great skill in a evil way.