Dating the same sign as you

Ask the Astro Poets: What Happens When You Date Someone Who Shares Your Sign?

Many of your arguments will be about one of you believing the other isn ' t paying enough attention to them. At least you ' ll easily be able to get over these disputes. Virgo, you ' re a perfectionist, but we don ' t need to tell you that.

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Heaven forbid you should both want to be the center of attention at the same time ! Look up your zodiac sign below to see how dating your own. Well, when you're dating the same zodiac sign as you, it can be just like that — the good AND the bad. If you want to know the advantages and.

You work harder than anyone to achieve your goals. Because you ' re that dedicated. The same goes for how you act in a relationship. While you appreciate romantic gestures, you want your partnership to work on multiple levels. The only other person who will understand that is a fellow Virgo. You ' ll both work tirelessly to make sure you ' re always on the same page.

Your only downfall is your tendency to settle. Make sure you really do love this person before getting too committed. You ' re a sign all about partnership, Libra. You ' re not one to be seen doing anything by yourself, because you need to be surrounded by others. Dating another Libra, this works in your favor.

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You ' ll both understand the other ' s want to constantly have someone by their side. That said, you ' ll both still be susceptible to feelings of jealousy, which will make for some not fun arguments during your time together. A mysterious and secretive sign, you tend to be fairly closed-off when it comes to sharing personal details with other people. The only person you ' d be willing to open up to is another Scorpio, because they ' d surely understand you the best. Sadly, your relationship wouldn ' t progress much farther than that, because a Scorpio-Scorpio pairing has the potential to bring out the worst in each partner.

While you ' d reveal some things to one another, you ' d both still keep plenty of secrets and not be able to connect emotionally. You ' d be the best travel duo anyone has ever met. You ' re hilarious personalities would keep the other entertained to no end. You both struggle with commitment issues, making it difficult to see your relationship last forever.

But if you both bury your pride and realize it was meant to be, you ' ll make it. While a Capricorn-Capricorn partnership seems like a match made in heaven on paper, it really isn ' t that fitting. Sure, you will both share each other ' s values of hard work, discipline and responsibility. But that doesn ' t make for a fun relationship. You ' ll both try your hardest to get the other to adhere to your standards, never listening to your partner ' s wants or needs. It ' s best that two Caps stay far away from each other. Being the open-minded and progressive individual you are, you will always make sure your partner feels understood.

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You want them to know they can talk to you about anything and everything, so dating a fellow Aquarius means an open steam of communication… for the most part. The only downfall in your relationship is that neither of you is the best at expressing your emotions. As your bond strengthens, you ' ll learn to let go and open up with your partner. Dreamy Pisces, you prefer to live in a fantasy rather than reality. Same goes with your relationships. You see all of the good and none of the bad. And when you finally notice the cracks, you tend to ignore them.

This is why entering a relationship with another Pisces would be tough. Twins never bore each other.

Love Compatibility

Cancers Want Commitment. You can tend toward apparent disinterest or aloofness, but you're really just hiding your embarrassment. Virgo is the practical one of the two of you, and can keep up with the mundane details of your daily life, such as paying the bills on time. My Aries man is the best. You're the most traditionally romantic too, so people who date you are swept off their feet. By visiting this Website.

In fact, there may be too much unpredictability in this match. One of you will have to become the "stable one" and cultivate a home life, or you may not stay together long enough or go deep enough emotionally to put down roots. At least you can talk through whatever comes up, and enjoy a diverse social life. This is one of the best same-sign matches. You're both nurturing and love to snuggle up at home. So what if you don't go out much? The biggest drawback, once you learn to tolerate each other's moods and not take them personally!

You make great parents, though. This is a volatile match! You both need a lot of attention, and tend to pout if you don't get it -- so you'll need to trade off making the other person feel special. Passions run high, which is great for sex, but take care you don't say or do something in the heat of a fight that fatally damages the relationship.

What To Expect When You're Dating The Same Zodiac Sign | YourTango

Mutual respect is the key to this union. If you're both dedicated to the higher goals of health and service, this could be a match made in heaven. Just don't try to improve the other person or criticize their behavior -- which kills the passion. Overanalyzing the relationship can also make it wither on the vine. Plant a garden or do yoga together and you'll bring out the best in each other.

This can be a lovely union -- you're both attuned to pleasing the other person and cultivating balance and fairness. The danger, though, is that you'll stay too superficial -- projecting a beautiful image of love while resentments seethe below the surface. You'll have to be willing to rock the boat a bit so this match can come into its full potential. Passion, danger, intrigue Maybe too much so. Trust is the crucial ingredient that makes this match work. If one or both partners are suspicious or jealous, you're in for a rocky ride.

It's essential to share your deepest feelings in this union, but don't bonk the other person over the head with them, or you'll spur resentment. Here's a fun match! You'll be kayaking and motorcycling together to your hearts' content. Your strong opinions can lead to spirited discussions, but you're both okay with that. Real trouble looms when one of you wants a commitment and the other prefers to stay footloose.