Half of that can be attributed to the PCOS, while the other half is caused by a whole slew of other reasons.
The PCOS part of the equation is a doozy though. I guess when you break it all down it looks a lot like this:.
I spent too much time trying to pretend that I was like everyone else and naturally I would never actually be honest about what I was going through. They keep the PCOS a secret. They act like all is well with the world and their bodies. If I tell him, he will leave me and find some perfect woman who can be and do all the things I am not. They get up early before their partner and they make themselves up and attempt to mask all that is going on. They attempt to be normal.
This is especially hard for those women with PCOS who suffer from depression. And you exist in a vicious cycle. I find myself in a better, stronger, place in my life, particularly as it relates to trying to maintain a healthy relationship. Certainly more so than at any other time in my life. But the fear and the pain is still there — despite my protests to the contrary. And when it suddenly manifests itself and makes it presence known — it can wash over you and immediately take you back to the dark place that you once inhabited.
This is exactly what happened to me this weekend. I went to a BBQ on Saturday night and I spent the evening talk to this guy about a whole bunch of random stuff we had in common.
It was nice and maybe, just maybe, I found myself thinking I kind of liked him. So totally not a big deal at all. This kind of stuff happens to people all the time. But then the next day happened. Or, I should say, the reality of the next day happened. Instead, it could only focus on the absurdity of my having such a thought to begin with.
There is no point.
Have you looked in the mirror lately? Who are you fooling?
No one would chose you. Have you seen the options out there? Clearly, The Voice is not my friend.
The Voice prides itself on being a realist and giving me the truth. And so, even though I know deep down I am not the miscreant I make myself out to be, I have to agree with The Voice on this particular matter. Nothing wrong with that. In my opinion good people, especially religious, don't come along, so it might be bad to end the relationship due to a possibility. There is always adoption or surrogate mothers. So may seem bad to say but you can get children easier than finding someone you can truly love.
I was in a relationship with a wonderful person and he told me he couldn't have kids and I broke it off and regretted it ever since because now I could have had a great relationship and adopted a child who also needed love. My mistake in life. Don't give up this awesome girl!
There are some treatments for this. Yes it does make it hard to conceive but not impossible and fertility drugs There's always adoption and fostering there's plenty of children who need love in this world. God just might be planning something different so don't let dumb thoughts get in the way of gods love. Since you like her so much, stick with her for now. If having your own children naturally is very important, express this to her before any large commitment.
There are other ways to have children like thru the use of fertility drugs and invetro.
If you're new to dating, the whole thing can be kind of strange and terrifying. If you're afraid that PCOS will scare someone off, yes, it could. When you're talking about romantic relationships, whether dating or .. Saying yes to you often is perceived as saying no to someone else.
There's adoption, and if you have enough money you can use invetro to impregnate a woman willing to carry your child. But since this woman is so wonderful to you for now, there's no reason to dump her. She could be the one and you wouldn't want to miss out on that: She has a condition that she has no control over. It's not her fault. She didn't do it on purpose.
If you stick with her, who knows? They may have improved remedies for it by the time you want to have children. How long can he support me through this?
Will he look for somebody else better? The questions that often play around her mind. But hey, her heart is also brimming with gratitude for having you! I hope you stay by her side.
Support her in her fight. I hope you cheer her up whenever she feels hopeless. Be the one who emotionally heals her.