How to ask a girl if shes dating someone else

Other times, they may actually talk about her boyfriend. People love to gossip. This is also a good way to find out how much you really like her. You might discover your interests are very different. The way she acts can sometimes give away signals that she has a boyfriend or is really interested in someone else. Is she constantly on the phone texting and smiling?

How to Ask a Girl If She Has a Boyfriend

Is she always busy running off to some social event? Does she ignore looks from other men? None of this is a surefire way of finding out, but some girls can reflect a strong signal.

I'm Sure She's Seeing Another Dude

Most likely, she's just a very nice and genuine person. That means she'll be honest with you if you ask her directly. However, if you're shy about asking her, then invite her to sit with you, or try to start talking to her. Just scroll up to read that section, as it will give you plenty of ways to talk to her without letting her know that you're interested. Yes No I need help Then, if you get lucky and she doesn't have a boyfriend, she'll know you are interested.

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Then you can ask her if she'd like to go out sometime. If she says yes, then you'll know she has a boyfriend, because it will be you. Good luck, and let us know how things work out! Yes No I need help How can I find a relationship with a loving girl? What are the signs, body language and behaviors of a girl who's has a boyfriend?

Finding a relationship with a loving girl can be difficult if you are just looking for the signs a girl already has a boyfriend.

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Often girls who do not have boyfriends may flirt, or receive a text message from someone that makes them laugh. Other times these girls can often sit alone, or not usually go out to social events with everyone else. This can make it seem like she has a boyfriend, but she actually does not. Because of that, looking for signs is usually not the best approach. Yes No I need help Instead, use some of the tips and suggestions provided earlier in this article, and talk to her about what she wants - and what she is doing.

Following that advice will give you a much more clear understanding of whether she has a boyfriend or not. As a bonus, it will also help you to build the confidence necessary to actually ask if she'd like to be your girlfriend. Then you can start dating, build a friendship, and from that strong foundation make a lasting relationship with a loving girl.

What can I do to talk to her? I met this girl at tennis that I really like. What should I do to let her know how I feel? Having a shared common interest is a great starting place to build a relationship, especially with more strenuous activities like tennis. This is because competition and physical activity stresses the body, but also provides an endorphin release that makes a person feel good afterward. By sharing this with her, either through playing a game, or sharing some small talk between playing, you'll be noticed.

1. Assess the Situation

However, unlike most men, when a woman goes to the gym or to play sports, she's usually there to play. More often than not they aren't considering going out, and they aren't looking for a relationship. In fact, some girls actually get upset if a man asks them out in the gym, because then every time they see that guy, they feel a little uncomfortable. Yes No I need help To get around this, you should try to interact with her in a very polite and respectful manner. Treat her as an equal, rather than someone you want to impress or go out with. Then, after you get to know her a little better, you can casually invite her out.

A great way to do this is to tell her you're going to a sports cafe or juice bar.

How to Ask a Girl If She Has a Boyfriend

Say something like, "Have you ever been to Mike's juice bar? They make the best drinks I've had in town. I'm headed there after I finish playing today. Would you like to come?

How to ask a girl if she's seeing anyone?

Yes No I need help Then it's not a date. Rather, it's personal space for two possible friends to share. You can have a drink, chat about tennis, or anything else that interests both of you. If she's interested in you, then she'll agree to come out again later. After two or three times, you can then invite here somewhere else.

Find the Signs a Girl Has a Boyfriend

For example, you might learn that she likes a particular band or style of music. You could then suggest going to a live show with her. Alternatively, if she mentions a certain style of food, you can invite her out to dinner somewhere. Yes No I need help By doing this, you're politely approaching her, and letting her decide where her comfort zone is. When you ask her to come out somewhere, she'll either be genuinely busy, or she won't be interested.

Either way, since you did not cross into her personal space and make her feel uncomfortable, she will be honest with you and let you know that she's either busy or just politely say no to you.

2. Ask Her!

Then neither one of you will be uncomfortable or embarrassed to see each other in the gym or sports facility where you meet. Of course, if she does go out with you, and something develops, you'll have done it in a polite and decent way, which will help build trust between you both.

Yes No I need help How to know if the girl I met has a boyfriend or not? I met this one girl last week at my friend's wedding party, we did a bit of talking but on a professional level. She kinda was nice but after that, we didn't get in touch. I did notice that she was on her mobile most of the time Yes No I need help More importantly, I really felt a positive vibe with her and is it a good idea for me to get in touch with her once.

I know where she works, is it a good idea for me to call her up on her office landline number?

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Yes No I need help There is nothing wrong with calling her once, re-introducing yourself and asking her to meet up for coffee or just to chat. If she seems into talking to you or meeting up, it's a good sign she probably doesn't have a boyfriend. If she doesn't seem interested or declines your offer to meet up, it's likely she's either not interested or she already has a boyfriend.

I met a girl a few weeks a go and I really like her but I'm not sure if I should ask her out? If she's having trouble making eye contact with you, it could be a sign that she's interested in you.

About this article

Knowing this recently, I already know that the next time we'll meet she'd turn me down, what should I do to cope with this feeling of being played after telling me she'd give me an answer after a month not knowing that she already planned to introduce someone else. What do you all think is the best way to ask if she's seeing anyone? It happens all of the time: Of course, it also depends on circumstances like where you met her, how you know each other, and if you have common friends. Ask but be prepared.

It doesn't mean that she doesn't already have a boyfriend, though. You could try sending her a text and ask her if she wants to hang out, or you could talk to her in person and get to know her a little better. Ask her questions about herself and her interests, and if she has a boyfriend, it might come up naturally during the conversation. You can also check out her social media pages to find out if she has a boyfriend. If she doesn't want to hang out with you, it's possible that she already has a boyfriend.

Yes No I need help Should I ask this girl on a date or consider it a missed opportunity? There's this girl I've had a crush on for several months. She comes by job multiple times each week and we always have long conversations. I've been procrastinating about asking her out. The other day she came in with a guy. I playfully asked is he her brother and she said he's just someone she went to high school with. I'm worried that I may have missed my opportunity.