Also, I decided to sign up for a dating website for the fun of it. The only control that I have at this point is to not view his profile at all. Am I doing the right thing? Please work your magic and tell me what to do. Ignore, ignore, ignore… Let him use the dating website if he wants.
What use is a lie? March 9, at The go-to destination for 6 months now ex husband. I swiped right and BAM we match. But satisfying the ego very rarely satisfies the soul, which is why this is really just a shallow Band-Aid approach. As I was swiping vigorously from one guy to the next, an incredible thing happened.
He might have an idea that now he is single he will get tons of offers from hot girls. But we all know how it is with these websites right? Guys dont get any offers like we imagine.. And he knows that. My bet is that he is freaking out more than you, now that he see you have also joined the site. I reactivated my dating profile on the website that we met on bc he told me to date other ppl.
Two hrs after I reactivated, he reactivated his. I feel sick everytime I see him on it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! We always seem to have an idea that the single life is so exciting and glamorous. But that is usually never the case. New girl every night, happier then ever, tons of offer from hot girls ect.
I have been single for quite awhile now.
And I have more experience in this than I like to admit. His single life sucks!
Thanks for the advice. My ex is active on the dating website. This hurts so bad. I immediately reactivated my dating profile the minute he told me that he wanted me to date other ppl and that there was no chance for us. I only did bc I thought it would be easier and quicker to move forward. I have no interest in anyone. Why does it have to hurt so bad?????
Some folks say "get right back on the horse".. Share Share this post on Digg Del. Don't want to generalize too much, but women in my experience are pretty quick to move on, or have somebody in mind even before they break up. Originally Posted by itto ogami. Usually when people break up they've been weaning their way out of the relationship emotionally for a while before they do it.
So this isn't really that unusual for your ex to be doing this.
She came to terms and started moving forward before she let you know what was going on. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. Originally Posted by Simon Phoenix. Originally Posted by aloneinaz. It just seems to me that it devalues the previous relationship when you simply start over that quickly.
Our break up came over me telling her something she didn't want to hear. She's done it times before. It wasn't me showing up and her telling me she was done. We'd been getting along ok.
I'm not denying that she could have been checking out of the relationship mentally or emotionally. There were plenty of times I left her house asking myself WTF are you thinking, continuing to date this woman. You hang on to hope that they will change but we all know most don't. I know from experience that if I leave a guy, I've already been emotionally detached for a while.
I broke up with one of my exes.
We dated for 2 years. Two weeks later I was in a new relationship. I had already detached myself from that guy, I was tired of our relationship, the drama, I didn't see a future with him, and I just cut him loose.
I had a guy waiting when I broke up with him. I knew this guy before I ended it with him. Sometimes this is what people do. I think if you're the dumpee you should give yourself time to heal. My last ex dumped me and I've been single about 13 months now, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
I'm emotionally healthy and ready for a new relationship now. I don't have ill feelings, baggage, drama, and I've been talking to a new guy now. Well, of course she's devaluing the previous relationship -- she ended it. If she saw enough value in it, she'd still be in it.
It sucks, but that's how she sees it and she's under no obligation to sit a few weeks out. Originally Posted by KatZee.
Originally Posted by Shaun-Dro. That's exactly what she did and you need to do the same thing, bro.