Best profile pictures online dating

Online dating tips: how to nail your profile picture

But help is at hand, as Hinge has released data on the most successful photo practices. The findings suggest that women should smile with their teeth, men should avoid looking away from the camera, and no one should share a bathroom selfie. Women were found to be more successful when smiling with their teeth, looking away from the camera, wearing their hair up, and standing alone.

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Data scientists from New York -based dating app, Hinge , analysed their members' photos to reveal which profile pictures get the most likes. The team assigned 35 unique photo tags, such as smiling with or without teeth, to a random sample of 1, photos. This allowed them to see which tags were associated with photos with lots of likes. The results showed that men saw an increase in likes when smiling without teeth, facing front on and standing alone.

Images featuring sports were shown to increase the chance of a like by 75 per cent, which those featuring nights out increased likes by 74 per cent. And while you might see them as old-fashioned, black and white photos were a huge hit, increasing likes by a huge per cent. Hinge also discovered that spontaneous snaps were more likely to get a like than posed photos. Beach photos didn't do well, decreasing the chance of a like for both men and women by 80 per cent and 47 per cent, respectively. Images featuring sports were shown to increase the chance of a like for men and women by an average of 75 per cent.

In contrast, the biggest no-go was photos with a Snapchat filter, which decreased the chance of a like by 90 per cent. Although celebrities take thousands of them every day, selfies actually decrease your chances of getting a like by 40 per cent. And taking a picture of yourself in a bathroom mirror will reduce your chances of a like by as much as 90 per cent. While you might see them as old-fashioned, black and white photos were a big hit, increasing likes by a huge per cent.

Beach photos also didn't do well, decreasing the chance of a like for both men and women.

Surprisingly Not a Deal-Breaker: Attractiveness

The results varied between men and women, especially when it came to the style of smiling, and which direction to look in. Women were found to be more successful when smiling with their teeth and looking away from the camera.

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Hinge also discovered that spontaneous snaps were more likely to get a like on social media than posed photos. The biggest no-gos were photos with a Snapchat filter, which were shown to decrease the chance of a like by 90 per cent.

Immediate Deal-Breakers

By choosing the best profile picture. In the world of online dating, you have a much shorter time frame to make a good impression, mere. These Are the Photos Your Dating Profile Absolutely Must Have, For the best headshot results, swap out the selfie stick for a best friend or.

Meanwhile, men saw an increase in likes when smiling without teeth, facing front on. Jean-Marie McGrath, a spokesperson for Hinge, said: Hinge has released data on the most successful photo practices. The findings suggest that women should smile with their teeth and look away from the camera, while men should look directly into the camera and smile without teeth.

Images featuring nights out increased the chance of bagging you a like by 74 per cent stock image. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Hollywood star Liam Neeson's nephew, 35, dies five years after he suffered serious head injuries when he fell 20ft from a phonebox during night out.

Thursday, Jan 17th 5-Day Forecast. The best profile picture to get you a date: Women should look away and wear their hair up while men are better off smiling without showing their teeth Dating app, Hinge, analysed a random sample of 1, members' photos For both sexes, the most liked pictures featured sports and nights out The least-liked pictures were bathroom selifes, or photos with Snapchat filters By Shivali Best For Mailonline Published: Share this article Share. Share or comment on this article: Best dating profile pics for successful likes e-mail Comments 99 Share what you think.

Bing Site Web Enter search term: Download our iPhone app Download our Android app. People who receive a lot of messages tend to spend less time replying to messages, making it difficult for them to truly connect. Common sense might make you think that posting an overdone trendy photo will lead to an immediate negative opinion from potential matches.

At least one of them will catch you off guard.


Read More show that several often-mocked photo poses actually help users to get more messages. For men, if you have abs, you might as well show them off. Eric Klinenberg , co-author of the book Modern Romance , says that the research shows ab photos of men under thirty can work in your benefit.

Want to use an especially good selfie in your profile? The best profile photos will lead to a conversation. But what kinds of photos are most likely to do that?

Online dating tips: how to nail your profile picture

The same study shows that the most attractive interests for women to showcase on their profile are health, food, family, dancing, and art. Here are six key pitfalls to avoid. You might want to save the photos of you and your cat for a later date. If you think about it logically, this one makes a lot of sense. Group shots are incredibly confusing for people viewing your profile for the first time.

They have no way of knowing which person is you!

What Online Dating Profile Pictures Get Matches? Men's Dating Advice 1/3

If you want to use a group photo anyways, be smart about it. But, if you really want your pictures to get attention, OKCupid found that other facial expressions perform better with potential matches.

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For women, a flirty smile given into the camera is your best bet. Just keep in mind that you want this photo to come across as mysterious and intriguing, not creepy.

#1 First Impressions Are More Than Skin Deep

But steer clear of extreme closeups — the camera geometrically warps your image, compared to a photo taken from a longer distance away. Do YOU suffer from 'statistics anxiety'? That blinding artificial light creates harsh shadows and highlights flaws, two things you want to avoid. If you want to show off your abs, make sure the photo is taken in a natural setting like the beach, for example. All you need to do is schedule your free confidential consultation with us now. Thousands of guys have already made lasting connections with beautiful women, and we're ready to make you our next success story. People who sported one of those mouth-wide-open, laughing kind of smiles were seen as more likable than people with a smaller smile.

You are fooling no one. For most online dating profiles, you should be posting more than one picture. Four photos can help to give a well-rounded perspective on your life and offers a good amount of conversation fodder without being overwhelming.