Study God's word until you know it like your own soul. Hey man good on you for not compromising, God will honor that commitment. However you know what might help? Not fooling around as much.
I'm really impressed that you're sticking to your guns and staying strong. Keep up the good work and the good attitude!! Waiting is very rewarding. Don't give into temptation. Pray with your girlfriend about this, ask God to guide your relationship with her and give you joy without desiring pleasure.
We have had and continue to have some of the best times just being togather. Thank you for the kind words! And we have slowed down on the fooling around.. Its hard, but I know its worth it.
God Bless ya dude!! Thats funny, but hey shes out there for ya. Just make sure U look at the inside too. Thats what counts the most! Good luck and God Bless! Why is sex bad in a relationship? I've had this discussion with friends before. I can certainly understand not hooking up. Bad personal experiences confirm this. However, if you're in a loving, committed relationship with another person why is sexual intimacy frowned upon?
I have always thought this to be a healthy part of relationships. To answer your question-- because their Pastor told them so. The modern Christian purity codes about abstaining from sex before marriage are not actually found in the New Testament, but exist in Augustinian traditions about sexuality. The Christian prohibitions about human sexuality outside of marriage are generally regarded as a litmus test for one's devotion to Christ.
A lot of proof texts are used to support this notion, as well as a full arsenal of bogus anecdotal info, i. For my Protestant brethren, who so frequently challenge and quiz others to "show it to me in the Word, bro! They simply don't exist. Temptation is still there, especially if you get in situations where it would seem "right", being biologically driven in flesh and, maybe, even in spirit.
Heat of the moment. But keep going brother, as you are! The intimacy you are that my partner and I are also forging by waiting to take that final step is strong. It is knowing mind and soul, gaining trust. Nothing is lost because you have that deep intimate connection that we all crave alongside the physical, and everything is made sweeter in the end.
You literally brought watery eyes to me, bro.
It's just so beautifully and honestly said and your love for your girl is so obvious and touching. Thank you for the words, I really appreciate it!!! And I do love my lady words cannot explain how lucky I am to have her around. She has made me a better person and I hope and pray that I have done the same for her.
God Bless and take care!!! That's awesome man, I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 2 years and it's really hard and takes a lot of prayer but It was over a year ago that we realized we had gone too far in that relationship and right after we did that for the first time I knew I had screwed up. It was some rough times after that because that type of sin entering a relationship made it turn for the worst but we turned to God in that time and he has restored us and made us new again.
I can't change what we did but I can choose to turn to God and I know that he will forgive me and make her and I new creations. It is a difficult road but the end results and accomplishment justify the journey.
Stay strong brother and God bless! Thats awesome to hear I'm sorry tht U did fall to sin, but U know what The love of Christ restores us makes us worthy of forgiveness.. I wish you and your lady friend the best and many more years!!! Lock it down when the time is right man!! God Bless ya dude! I just want to let you know, just incase it ever comes up: You having been with people, and her being a virgin, might lead to some issues.
I've seen it happen way too many times. If issues arise, counseling is the best. Don't try to beat it on your own. I never thought of that.. Thank you very much.. What do u think is better?
Minster, marriage counselor, or both? I would actually suggest that if she ends up having issues to go to a specific sex counselor by herself to start. If it's not impacting your relationship, but it's impacting her state of being, then you won't need to go with. Also going by yourself allows you to open up more, especially if she gets fearful, or anxious. I'm glad you posted this. Too many males think what you're doing can't be done. You are proof that it can, and her devotion to you will make it worth it all.
Are there any bible verses that actually condemn premarital sex? I've seen a couple where the problem seems to be more focused on being seen as having diminished purity when you do get married, but nothing really direct.
It's a lot less well defined than most Christians will admit. There's a lot in the Old Testament that implicitly or explicitly condems it, but it's unclear how much of that is because the act itself is inherently immoral and how much of it is because in the logic of the ancient Hebrew patriarchal society unmarried women were the property of their fathers and deflowering them would decrease the value of something you did not own - hence being a property crime. The closest you'll get in the New Testament is a generic condemnation of "sexual immorality" which some people will claim is premarital sex by definition, but that's a claim they have very little evidence for though I have heard people claim [1 Cor.
This is correct, but it's also important to remember that in biblical times the concept of a wedding ceremony as we know it today did not exist. A couple became married when they consummated their marriage, not when the priest pronounced them married. So this very concept of sex before marriage didn't exactly exist in the day. If you were having sex it meant you were married, which is likely why biblical authors frequently and explicitly condemned adultery but not premarital sex.
From what I know the evidence points to that not being the case. It's not like two people just moved in together and started "being married. Sex before legitimate marriage was a very real possibility and one that's addressed explicitly by Exodus Actually I think this verse can be used to make an excellent case that premarital sex was a property law violation. The Bible I'm looking at has it as the first law listed under the "Moral and Ceremonial Laws" header, but it follows much more closely the financial-injustice-financial-restitution pattern that the "Property Laws" immediately above it follow - where the moral laws have a death penalty, a "God will repay" penalty, or no explicit penalty listed but never financial restitution.
And this is entirely untrue of the Greek, Roman, or 1st century Hebrew cultures that the New Testament was written in the context of. They all had explicit and elaborate wedding ceremonies. Were did Jesus's first miracle take place? Wedding ceremonies are used throughout the NT as metaphors or in parables. You could say that the "real" definition of marriage is when people have sex for the first time, but that's just playing at semantics.
Regardless of how you define "marriage" its entirely possible to have sex "before you're supposed to," which is the real issue under question here. But the troubling thing to me is how "when you're supposed to" has been defined by so many christians as "marriage".
Was there anybody in the OP's position in biblical times? Dating didn't exist and most people married in their early to mid teens. So premarital sex in the Bible is not really comparable to most premarital sex today. Girls were married in their early to mid teens, men were generally much older 20s - 40s is maybe a good generalization?