Funny stories about speed dating

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  • I Went Speed Dating Using All the Weird Advice I Got From Dating Magazines: This Is My Story.

I contemplate at that moment that I would be prepared to cut off my hand like Cary Elwes did in the movie Saw. I would have done this for my hand…For Reals! I throw back the question to him, as is standard with back and forth conversation, one would think, to which he tells me he likes Sandra Bullock and then lists a few other women with brown hair.

Who knew Angie was such a touchy topic? People are now staring and probably wondering WTF prompted that response.

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I kept bringing the conversation back to my love for sports. See the First Sneak Peek. This is the story of the events that occurred. He was going to say whatever it took try and win me over. In preparation for the event, I scoured the Internet for some advice and tips and also some suggestions for questions that I could ask. I throw back the question to him, as is standard with back and forth conversation, one would think, to which he tells me he likes Sandra Bullock and then lists a few other women with brown hair. The ladies go to their designated tables and Amanda and I are sadly separated at this point.

We then spend the next minute checking our phones. The next guy to sit down looks kinda nerdy which is cool because I think nerds are awesome!

Worst dates - share your funny stories

He starts to tell me about how he is building a machine that will combine the functionality of a juke box, a refrigerator and a keg. I obviously want to hear more about it. I could tell there was no future for us, but he was the. I thought it was a good suggestion? His date looked like she had just walked in on seeing her parents having sex. Her face was priceless.

True story, I went speed-dating right after my boyfriend rejected my proposal - HelloGiggles

He seemed like such a keeper…. So that pretty much sums up my night of bad dates.

I did not win the bad date contest, so I feel really bad for the poor sap in the world who had it worse than this. On our way out, we learned from the event coordinator that they had enough women register for the event, but not enough men. So, they had to cruise Granville street to invite men to come….. It all became clear to me at that moment, so I walked up to the gong, smashed the shit out of it and left the building.

Speed Dating Fun

Love your writing style…feels like I was at the event with you! Not in a creepy way, more like a visualize the losers way. I have a few more stories on that blog too. My personal fave is the Date Night with a Hipster. Let me know if you like those ones too. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Not in a creepy way, more like a visualize the losers way Like Like. During that particular episode, the lady repeatedly answered my questions with one-word, nondescript answers — she was definitely a Phoebe! There was a real mixture of women at the event and I got along well with all of them.

Some were being very serious about the whole thing.

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Other ladies were taking things less seriously. With that being said, I was disappointed not to get an opportunity at any point to ask a question from my list of unusual questions, such as:. After all the 7 minute torture sessions where over, everyone headed to the bar to relax, and, in the case of a few people, get completely shit-faced.

Anyway, enough about tattoos of Mr Men characters well, what else did you think I was talking about? This speed dating event was fun. Hey, come to think of it, what have you got in yours? Why not read my latest speed dating article, speed dating in the boudoir? Hey Bruce, Your post was hilarious.

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I enjoyed reading it. What city are you in? That may sound random, but I think it would be fun if you and I check out a speed dating event some day. Like a wingman kind of thing.