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12 Lead ECG – Lead Placement Diagrams

Could I please request similar tips and suggestions regarding EKG lead placement and interpretations? I sincerely appreciate it.

EMS 12 Lead

12 Lead ECG Placement – Clavicular Method v Angle of Louis V4-V6 should line up horizontally along the fifth intercostal space. (Coviello. The SG Center Demonstrates proper 12 Lead EKG Placement. Easy Simple EKG , views. Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute 40, views.

Can I get the same information as the above 2 individuals emailed to me too, please? I am amazed with this site! Can I get the same info u gave these people please? It was nicely described simply and clearly. Most of my paramedics get confused and forget easily.

Emergency Medical Technician

I have recently finish a course as a EKG Technician. Now it is job hunting time. Every place I have look want month experience. Do you have any ideal or where I can go to get work experience or what I might ask to get employment.


I would be so happy. Martha, hopefully you have found employment at this point. If you are still looking, you may want to try a temp agency. They may be able to help place you someplace for a bit in order to gain the required experience. Best of luck to you! I recently had an EKG done and was referred to a cardiologist all due to poor tech. What are the consequences if one mis place the chest leads like for example one puts v4,v5,v6 on the forth intercostal space?

As for watches and bracelets, these items should be okay and can be left on the patient. I was taught by a Cardiologist that i can place RAL LAR on the back of the hands, and alos the other limb leads on each side of the stomac, Is this correct? I hate to over step a Dr. In addition, muscle movement can be increased when placing electrodes over bones. This movement can then cause a wandering baseline on the ECG.

I too was shown that the limb leads can be placed on back of hands or shoulders and on each side of the stomach. I teach a medical assistant class and the students have a hard remembering the lead placement for 12 leads as well as Holter monitors. I am just wondering how accurate an ECG result is if the technician placing the leads failed to place leads below the waist? A diagnosis was made and treatment recommended based upon the reading done without lower extremity leads. How concerned should I be and would you recommend getting another test done properly or requesting a second opinion?

Thank you so very much. I work in an e.

12-Lead ECG Placement Guide with Illustrations

I also just started in a Cardiology position, and any information that you could give me would be awesome. This is a great site! Hi Excellent article-very concise and educational. Would you find this beneficial? Hi, I am taking a course in EKG can you give me some advice on where the electrodes are place and ways to remember this doing my State Board in November.

Thank you this site is very informative keep it up. I currently work as a paramedic in the field and was taught if the patient has poor circulation in the legs you will not get an accurate 12 lead reading, to move the limb leads to the abdomen. What does poor circulation have to do with a 12 lead reading? In women should all electrodes be placed under the breast tissue.

I have been placing v4-v6 under breast tissue but still putting v3 midway between v2 and v4 but this is on breast tissue. Should this also be underneath but then doesnt seem to be midway. Hi where should v3 be placed on a woman. On or under breast.

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I always place v under breast but havent been with v3 as this then wont be in the middle of v2 and b4. Should all leads be under the breast? Recently had a lead done by a tech where they placed the upper limb leads just above the antecub and v1 and v2 on the right and left shoulder with v3 and v4 at about the 5th intercostals then v5 just below V4 and v6 under the breast midclavical.

12-Lead ECG Placement

Is it reasonable to assume the described placement resulted in an erroneous tracing? How would you place the leads on a side lying patient who is unable to turn to their back side for whatever reasons? Can the leads still be placed on the patient in this position? We did find that with some machines watches, a lot of change, big metal belt buckles, a cell phone with power on- even in receiving mode-not being used for talking, could all interfere with a good ECG- I have also heard of an office where the technician actually held an electrode tab in place by putting her finger on it, which I would fear would cause the machine to pick up data on her.

I have seen times where the lead wires have been held to keep them from putting a twist on the tab causing it to be less secure, but I would think with the insulation there that would be less likely to cause a problem-thoughts on these 2 practices? Sometimes it is very hard to find really good sticking tabs.

Lead placement is an important aspect. How does one place leads on a morbidly obese patient consistently? This website is Awesome. I am taking an EKG. Counting from the clavicle to the inner spaces for the leads placement.

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  • ECG Lead Placement - 12 Lead Placement | Ausmed.

I take the board in less than a month. I am nervous about getting the EKG placement of leads.. In so many times wrong interpretation of ecg is just becoz of the wrong electrode placement.. I think it may be important in the above placement chart to stress that the limb leads, particularly the arm leads, need to be placed at the at the same vertical level that is, the left arm one should not be nearer the shoulder and the right arm nearer the elbow.

If this is not possible or uncomfortable for the patient, it is acceptable to record the ECG in another position. The patient must be completely relaxed. Ensure the environment is at a comfortably warm temperature Jevon This will prevent muscular tension or movements producing artefact on the ECG recording.

Ensure privacy and dignity: Regardless of the method used, the ECG electrode positions should be found in the following locations:. The Clavicular Method is useful as a check, but Crawford and Doherty b advise that inexperienced practitioners may mistake the sub-clavicular space as the 1st intercostal space; meaning that the intercostal spaces are incorrectly identified.

Preparing a Patient for an ECG

Breast tissue can impact on the ECG amplitude due to the increased distance between the electrode and the heart when ECG electrodes are placed over the chest Rautaharuju et al. The V4 lead is recommended to be placed underneath the breast tissue in women. Crawford and Doherty b point out that it makes little sense to locate the correct position under the breast, to then replace the breast and attempt to approximate the correct location. Thus, they recommend that V4 should be placed under the breast, and V5 and V6 placed underneath too if lifting the breast is needed.

It is often customary in practice to write on the ECG if an electrode has been placed over breast tissue in order to aid the interpretation. Where it becomes necessary, it is also customary practice to record any alterations in lead placement; for example, where lead placement is changed from the standardised location due to patient position, injury etc. The chest should not be left exposed and can be covered back up with blankets, or allow the patient to re-dress as necessary.