Dating a poor guy reddit

Would you guys marry a poor chick from a poor family?

Not only have I dated guys who come from lower-income backgrounds than mine, but I've also had friends from low-income backgrounds. These relationships worked out in the short term because I selected my boyfriends and friends for 1 intelligence, 2 personality and 3 common interests. Let's start with the boyfriends first. I was strongly attracted to them and loved their company, but after a while differences would come up between us that had roots in our upbringing, e. Which was ridiculous, because blue collar guys are pretty much as masculine and hot as they come, but whatever.

Also, they had drastically different goals for the future, so even if I really liked a guy, I knew there wasn't long-term potential. We like to pretend we live in Great Democratic America where social class doesn't exist, but you really are living in a fairyland if you believe class doesn't matter, especially when you're dealing with something like marriage. Well, this is marriage we're talking about, not dating. This is how you minimize chances of divorce.

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Let's be realistic, the passion heatwave will only last for so long. So at the end of the day, who are you..

I don't look for a guy to just pass the time with. I just think like.. Relationships, like most things are not static. That is basically why I've put off dating for the moment. I concentrate on other things like my studies, my relationships with my parents, siblings and a few semi-close friends who are globally dispersed, so thank God for skype.

The rest of the time I spend learning to network better and doing internships. Not that I didn't go to school with people who come from distinguished families, but at that time I was practically oblivious to all of that lol.


I'd spend my free time at boarding school on the arts music, theatre, poetry, languages and on befriending the disenfranchised because they were so much less vapid. I agree with the drunk penguin guy. OP is a dick. Also you mention you wouldn't mind marrying Paris Hilton. You want to marry a woman that has absolutely no ambition in her life and lives off her dad's fortune? My ex came from a piss-poor family and she worked her ass off to get to a good school, pay for her education and get into a good grad school.

That's something I admire. That's an asset, not a liability. If anyone at all is a liability, it's you to everyone you know. SO i thought she was awesome at first -- smart, ambitious, attractive for an Ivy chick , hard working not to mention the only reason we dated was because we met while being the only two people working on our psets in the reading room at 4am in the library. Then I asked her, "Well, if you just want to find your Donald Trump, why are you working so hard in biomedical engineering then? Because it was easier to get into than the College because there aren't many white girls in engineering.

Plus I'm getting really tired of doing all these problem sets. It's full of fucking tools. What's wrong with girls from PwC? It's like you've never truly experienced real, deep, unconditional love. The type that says "I want what's best for her even if it means we're not together. The type that makes you the person you are meant to be, and so much more. And it changes you forever. People say the worst feeling in the world is being lonely. The worst feeling is being forgotten by the one you'll always remember.

And then you'll know money never was nor should be a primary factor, but rather, whether you two have that type of bond.

Would you guys marry a poor chick from a poor family? Poor chick are the worst. Poor chick ruined my life. I would never discriminate anyone because of his or her background. I know girls from poor background who excelled academically and now have handsomely paid jobs. Background really shouldn't matter, but apparently, it does considering the shitstorm this topic has brought.

Would you guys marry a poor chick from a poor family?

If you are madly in love and she has you wrapped around her finger, I don't think your mind will be able to overpower your heart. My cousin works for PwC. Poor girl will probably never get hitched Dude, so many white girls like this in Penn biomedical engineering haha. Seen one you've seen them all. Don't know how she gets through the psets though. And the labs, my friends say they're six hours long - this chick has resilience. I am a poor "chick" i prefer the term lady, I am only twenty-six years of age and after reading your "outstanding" Paragraph on why you would not marry a poor women, I would just like to mention how i find you very shallow.

Money cannot buy everything, you are living proof , I suppose if money could buy anything you would of bought yourself an education? As long as you like her for who she is and she likes you for whom you are, who cares? To add on to what I said here.. Marrying a poor chick and marrying a chick from a poor family are two different things that need to be clarified in this thread.

Sorry for helping to bump and old thread. No, I would only consider PB models and the like. I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled upon it during a Google search and thought I'd comment.

[Light]: Casual confessions So.I'm in a dilemma. I am attracted (sort of) to this guy at work but And I think I'm the one who's got. If you are not familiar with Reddit, take a look at Andrew Marantz's New Yorker article. the one in which users answered the question, “Guys, why are you single? “I just don't want to date somebody that still gives a shit how many likes In what strikes me as a very poor decision, the journal Evolutionary.

OP, you sound exactly like the jerk off who dumped me years ago because I was a poor girl from the wrong side of the tracks. He, like you, wanted a rich bitch with a trust fund and a pedigree, and I wasn't her.

He felt that a woman like me, as impoverished and "low-class" as I was, would make him look bad. So to the curb I went. You say a poor wife would be a liability to you? How do you know all poor women would foist their impoverished families on you? Isn't that an unfair blanket statement? What if you married a rich woman who was a complete head case and as manipulative and selfish as all hell? And my friend, I've met a lot of rich women who fall into that category!

Wouldn't a woman like that make your life equally hellish? A person's financial resources, or lack of them, don't equate to the quality of her character. Sounds to me like you'd much rather have a wealthy woman who doesn't give a rat's ass about you over an impoverished woman who worships you.

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I see that jerk off I just mentioned all the time, as he and I live in the same town, and the effects of his gold digging have mentally, physically, and emotionally broken him. Turns out his rich, pedigreed wife is an abusive, selfish, manipulative monster, molded and shaped that way by her parents' money.

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But agreeing to loan them money can also be problematic, especially if you are serious about having them pay it back. Do you have any Romantic, Fun Date Ideas for me? My partner is a portfolio manager in a hedge fund, and also helps his family they are not poor, but he always wanted to fulfill some dreams of his parents , and I could not respect him more for that. Crowdsourced from over , members. Jul 22, - 3: Keep doing your thing. Jul 17, - 8:

By the way, as impoverished as my background is, I eventually graduated Summa Cum Laude from a private college and now have a "real" career and live an upper-middle-class life in an upper-middle-class suburb. Oh, and did I tell you that I worked menial jobs throughout school to achieve this lofty dream? While you consider that, observe how well-written this post is, devoid of errors of grammar, spelling, and syntax. I'm sure you believe that high intelligence I obviously possess is found only among the upper class.

In conclusion, I hope you never find a good woman to love you and that you get saddled with the same kind of evil rich bitch the jerk off is saddled with. You are a shallow, mercenary, social-climbing phony. I just had to leave a comment. I am a young lady coming from a foreign country. I look like a supermodel I am Eastern European: I have a PhD in engineering. I had to get the scholarship for my Ivy league uni, and I had to work while I was studying.

I made it on my own, and today I can have any man I want. A guy that thinks like you, is a douchebag, plain and simple. They sacrificed so much to give me the life I have today I work in a hedge fund and have likely much bigger paycheck than you do. A man that would not be able to respect the fact that I do not forget my family, my blood and people that did everything for me is simply a person I do not want to waste my time with. Not for a second would I mind my future husband helping out his family.