Online dating real meaning

The Internet Dating Slang Terms You Need To Know

If they can't see the bald spot and beer belly, they assume you can't, either. Next, look at the photo itself. No photo means he's either married or Quasimodo. Odds are he's not Quasimodo. The headgear is your first tell. Unless he's actually riding a horse, any man wearing a cowboy hat is bald.

Also, do not expect him to go to a chick flick with you any movie without explosions is a chick flick or to cook indoors. If he's wearing a cowboy hat and standing next to a truck, he's bald and he drinks. If he's wearing a cowboy hat and standing next to a Harley, he's bald, drinks, and will cheat on you. Unless he's actually playing baseball, any man wearing a baseball cap is also bald. If he's wearing a baseball cap, a sport coat and gym shoes, do not expect him to pick up the check. If he's posed next to a sports car, he is insecure about his manhood and will hit on your sister.

If he's posed next to a Hummer, he's insecure about his manhood and will hit you. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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While almost universally panned, Online Dating can actually be a wonderful thing . People need to realize that not everyone online is fake, and that there are some genuine people out there. I know a couple that Top definition. Online Dating. online dating definition: a way of starting a romantic relationship on the internet, by giving information about yourself or replying to someone else's information.

I did not take the man who became my husband very seriously at first, because his profile said he was open-minded and an artist. I expected I was meeting a wacko, who would be my fourth in a row of first-and-last dates. As it turned out, he is not close-minded, and he draws pictures. Yes, I've been using online dating sites off and on for years now, and even though I joke about these things, I honestly believe most of them are true.

There are some scary people out there! I bet this is so close to the truth that it's not only scary. Thanks for the votes and the comments! Online dating is such a challenge. It is especially frustrating for someone like me who is not a fan of dating in the first place. First dates are such a pain! Wow, I'm glad that I'm not planning to use on-line dating services! Even with your helpful on-line dating decoder in hand, it sounds like a challenge!

Decoding the True Meaning Behind Popular Phrases Used on Dating Sites

Thanks for a fun hub - as usual! Voted up, funny and useful! I am glad you enjoyed it. It is kind of like an online dating dictionary. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. To provide a better website experience, pairedlife. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.

For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Phrase Used On Site Then the Actual Meaning "I like to stay drama-free. I am 50 pounds overweight. I am pounds overweight. I am a female and I am overweight. I am not changing for you and I am brutally honest. I might make you cry. Fitness is important to me. I am skinny and you'd better be, too. I can't afford to take you out to dinner. I like to party. I hope you enjoy drunken binges.

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I am going bald, but I am pretending this look is a fashion choice. You will always come in second. I will spend all my time at the office. I am hoping to get you drunk. I sure hope you put out on the first date. Don't tell my spouse about us. I am the cat lady. I am filming for Animal Hoarders next week. I've run out of ideas for this profile.

Please just date me. I sure hope you put out after I spend so much money on food and drinks. I am pretty rude, but I'll try to pass that off as humor. I am pretending to be modest, but I believe I am awesome. Expect to check in regularly with them re: Knowing that "a-" means "without," I'm sure I don't need to tell you what "sexual" means.

I thought he was asexual, not gay. It ain't mutually exclusive. Benching is when you're not into someone enough to commit to officially dating them, but you don't want them to move on and find someone else either, so you string them along juuuust enough to keep them waiting on the sidelines for you. You know when you're on a sports team but not actually playing, just waiting on the bench until the coach needs you? Yeah, it's the dating version of that. She's definitely benching me.

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Big dick energy, or BDE, is something only a small amount of people possess. In short, someone with big dick energy is incredibly hot, and more guys should try to emulate that. It implies that a person or thing exudes the confidence that must come with having a large penis — and Bourdain's kindness, charm and humble swagger were just that.

Bisexual persons are attracted to two genders.

Yeah, I've Heard That Line Before

Yes, arguably, they're pretty similar. In its original inception, "Netflix and chill" was a euphemism for a stay-at-home date that led to sex pretty quickly. Straight persons are attracted to, date, or have sex with only members of the 'opposite' gender. There is some evidence that there may be differences in how women online rate male attractiveness as opposed to how men rate female attractiveness. Microcheating is a form of infidelity that stops short of the full-blown, overt cheating that occurs when a person sleeps with someone else behind their partner's back, but is low-level, cumulative dishonesty and infidelity that is intolerable in a committed relationship.

In the nineties, we'd have said "bisexual persons are into men and women", but we know a little more about sex and gender than we used to. Swinging both ways, flexible, cross-platform compatible, or rooting for both teams, a bisexual person can enjoy sex with or fall in love with the same gender as themselves, or a different gender from themselves.

Bi people might prefer dating one gender and sleeping with another, but we still call 'em bi. A bisexual person is like a bicycle; both share the prefix bi, which means two. You've only ever dated women. Breadcrumbing is when you send flirty but non-committal messages to a person when you're not really interested in dating them but don't have the guts to break things off with them completely. The breadcrumbee is strung along for the sake of sparing the breadcrumber a confrontation.

Think of the phenomenon of getting a small creature to follow you by laying a trail of breadcrumbs here, and you've got the right idea. I think she's breadcrumbing me. This one's pretty straightforward in meaning: It's a casual relationship. Catfishing is one of those dating terms that has legitimately made its way into the mainstream, thanks to the TV show and movie of the same name. Messaging with someone who's pretending to be someone else?


These setups tend to end badly. If they're resistant, they might be catfishing you. The term gained popularity after the release of the documentary on the then-burgeoning phenomenon, Catfish , but the real reason for the name is harder to come by. Cisgender is a term for people who aren't transgender, or whose assigned gender lines up with their actual gender.

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But isn't that 'normal', you might ask? Actually, it isn't, it's just more common: While cisgender persons may outnumber transgender persons, it isn't a default setting; it's one of many. From cis-, meaning literally 'on this side of' in mathematics and organic chemistry. But the term you're looking for is 'cis'. Cuffing season is the period between early fall and late winter when everyone starts to shack up with the nearest half-decent single person to ward off loneliness and cold during the cooler months.

Cuffing season typically implied a short term, mutually beneficial arrangement that's strictly seasonal, and it ends as soon as the leaves start turning green again. Cuffing, as in "handcuffing", because you're chaining yourself to someone else — at least until winter's over. Getting curved is being rejected, shot down, turned aside, said no to, dissed and dismissed.