Avoid dating single parents

Not Your MILF: A Guide to Dating Single Moms

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I am a young mother in my early 20s with one child. I have recently starting reading about dating. What I came across shocked me. I saw people. King Richez posted a video on not dating single mothers which amongst . of single mothers in the past but is now avoiding them altogether.

Many young women are choosing to get into a good job and have their children with a man they have no intentions of staying married to. Thus they intend to be both father and mother to their children. I hope it works out for them. But somehow that seems to make their lives more about "Mom" than them.


Delete Report Edit Reported Reply. Winston Send a private message. Took the words right out of my mouth. I know a guy who married a single mother of two, and to be truthful, he had zero dating experience before dating and subsequently marrying her. She was actually quite manipulative in the way she did things, she had a 4 year old and a 3 month old baby when they first started dating. Can you imagine despite the warnings and ostracizing from his friends, he continued to date her? He is now taking on the financial burden of raising another man's two kids. Find a single dad who is involved in his child's life and is not bitter.

ThisGal Send a private message. I have no idea what you're talking about. Seems like single moms get more attention than me and I'm single, no kids, independent and have no drama. I guess some men prefer single moms because they wanna "rescue" someone But this does NOT MEAN I'll take a single mom over a girl with no kids, I would rather have a girl with no kids with a great personality do i have to mention i have to be attracted to her as much as she is to me physically?

And i'll wait until the day I die before I find myself with a single mom, that's how much bullshit I think a Single Mom carries. Edited on November 20, at This reply was removed by the author. AverageJosh Send a private message. Single mothers are easy and we can get out easy too. Plus the single mother is desperate for cock. Government is the new baby daddy and the alpha males will keep encouraging this behavior.

Empowering women only fuels the loose women lifestyles.

The B guys are working for all those single mothers on food stamps anyways, might as well get some action. Edited on September 14, at Supervillain Send a private message. They come with lots of baggage. That doesn't mean they're all crazy idiot twits. Some really have thier shit together, some less so. All are pink on the inside. Here's a song that expresses some of the fears: SarahK Send a private message. The internet allows you to see the thoughts of all kinds of individuals. Unfortunately, we tend to only believe those who are negative. Think about it; you can already prove that every man doesn't feel this way.

Some of what you're seeing is a reaction to a certain type of woman, who sometimes becomes a single mother.

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If men have interactions only with those kinds of single mothers, the less logical ones attribute it to her single status. The other important thing to remember is that decent men don't talk about women in the ways you read.

Why Real Men avoid Single Mothers

Men who do so rarely have a handle on the ways of the world. Now, that doesn't mean every young guy wants to be a father right away or will want to deal with your schedule. You don't need all men to find you interesting. A child is a handicap in the dating world, not a death knell. You don't have as much flexibility as a childless woman would, and there are men who don't want to raise another man's child.

But what matters now is how you deal with the fact. You can get all upset over some negative comments, or you can go forward with a positive attitude.

Many women, and men, with children find wonderful partners. Sallboro Send a private message. I have a neighbour who revealed to me he will always have more than one woman on the go from different ends of the city and they all have kids. A woman without responsibilities can turn up on his door with a bottle of red at any time and he doesn't want that! Edited on September 1, at The truth is what you get is a function of how much you work trying to find someone, how high you shoot for, how much you put up with, and what else you have to offer. Is it a big hit in your attractiveness.

Absolutely, there is not denying it. So how are your looks? How are you in the bedroom? Are you a financial basket case? How is your morals and ethics?

Do men really avoid single mothers like the plague? - guyQ by AskMen

In addition, to your personality being attractive. You can make up for a lot if you are willing to work hard, and are a good judge of people.

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At the end of the day, a man is going to do the risk vs. Rob Send a private message. You can't put all single mom's down some are widows some were immature and had a child young but the majority have baggage and dating rule 1 is avoid those with lots of baggage. Americanguy1 Send a private message.

There are men that would love you and your baby. I think men tend to be hesitant about single moms. And I think single moms a hesitant about letting men into the there and baby's life too for many reasonable reasons. If i were you.

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I would hit the dating sites. And be freindly if you see men during daily activities with the intention of screening them to see if there safe to be around. No drug dealers or thugs. Think of the baby's health and your future. You will have to screen dozens of men before one seems healthy enough to take a chance. There are many good guys out there. But there are also many bad guys. So start screening guys. Alot of guys think starting a relationship with a single mom means there going to be put in second or third place because the baby is number one.

And that isn't very rewarding and even alittle scary So be gentle with that subject. There's a guy out there that will love the baby and care for the baby as good as you. Don't abuse or be abused. I know so many healthy guys out there that work and are family orientated..

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And don't let anyone near the baby unless there healthy people. Meet people on the sidewalk or porch first. Or screen them through telephone or texting. LadyKat Send a private message. Honestly, many dont want single mothers because they dont want to raise some other guys kid. They also feel that she is desperate to secure male support now that she is pulling the weight alone. These are valid points that men do consider. But there are many men who have kids as well and dont have issues with a single mom. There are many kinds of single mom sterotypes we see everywhere in society These exist in society so when you state that you are a single mom, many see that image in their mind.

You cannot change what people think so dont worry about it. Live your best life for you and your child. Edited on October 16, at No, I am in love with a single mother that feels she can't be in a relationship because she doesn't have enough time for me and feels wrong about her kids growing so attached to me.